Tier 1
Sovran Pro - From Sovran Systems
500GB Main Solid State Drive
16GB of Ram
2TB Solid State Drive for Bitcoin Blockchain and Redundant Backup of Main 500GB Drive
Gift Amount Currently 0.026 BTC
Tier 2
Sovran Pro - From Sovran Systems + System76
1TB Main Solid State Drive
4TB for Bitcoin Block Chain and Redundant Backup of Main 1TB Drive
(No Drive for Recordings and No Drive for Backup of Recordings)
32GB of Ram
Gift Amount Currently 0.01 BTC to set up with Sovran_SystemsOS
The purchasing of hardware, which needs to be done through System76.
Tier 3
Sovran Pro - From Sovran Systems + System76
1TB Main Solid State Drive
4TB Solid State Storage for Recordings of Video Conference Meetings (Software still in beta at the time of this writing)
4TB for Bitcoin Block Chain and backup of Main 1TB Drive
4TB Backup for the 4TB Solid State Storage for Recordings of Video Conference Meetings
32GB of Ram
Gift Amount Currently 0.0189 BTC to set up with a custom version of Sovran_SystemsOS as it is needed to run the 4 drives.
The purchasing of hardware, which needs to be done through System76.